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Now hiring for all positions

Complete and Submit the application below to apply

Application for Employment

Memphis, Tennessee

Personal Information

Please enter your full name.
Please enter your address
Please enter your city
Please enter your state
Please enter your Zip Code
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Please enter your email address.

Position Applying For

Please enter the position you are applying for.
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Please put if you legally eligible to work in the United States?
Please answer if you ever worked at Felicia Suzanne's before.
When and what position did you previously work?


Reliable Transportation is essential for maintaining consistent and punctual attendance.

Please select yes or not on do you have reliable transportation to and from work?
Please select your modes of transportation.


Days/Hours Available: (Please mark the times you are available to work)

Enter hours you can work for this day.
Enter hours you can work for this day.
Enter hours you can work for this day.
Enter hours you can work for this day.
Enter hours you can work for this day.
Enter hours you can work for this day.
Enter hours you can work for this day.
Invalid Input
Please indicate which days you're not available for work.

Employment History

Current Employer

Please enter the company name of your most recent employer.
Please provide the city where this job was located.
Please enter your most recent job title.
Please provide a contact name.
Please provide your manager's title.
Please provide a phone number.
Please describe your responsibilities at this job.
Reason for leaving your job.
Invalid Input

Other Hospitality Employment History

Please enter the Restaurant Name.
Please enter the contact info for your Hospitality Experience.
Please Enter the dates of your employment.
Please enter your most job position.
Please list your responsibilities.
Reason for leaving your job.
Please enter the Restaurant Name.
Please enter the contact info for your Hospitality Experience.
Please Enter the dates of your employment.
Please enter your most job position.
Please list your responsibilities.
Reason for leaving your job.
Please enter the start date of your employment.
Please Enter the end date of your employment.


Please enter the high school you attended.
Invalid Input
What College/University did you attend?
Invalid Input
What degree did you receive?
Please enter other education received here.


Please list three professional references (not family or friends)

Name of reference
How do you know this person?
Please Provide the Reference Phone Number
Please provide a valid email address.

Name of reference
How do you know this person?
Please Provide the Reference Phone Number
Please provide a valid email address.

Name of reference
How do you know this person?
Please Provide the Reference Phone Number
Please provide a valid email address.

Emergency Contact

Name of emergency contact
Please Provide the phone number of your Emergency Contact.
How do you know this person?

Front of House Applicants Only

Tennessee law requires servers who handle alcoholic beverages to have a valid server permit.

Please select if you have the permit or not.
Please provide your permit number.
Permit Expiration Date
Invalid Input

Additional Information

Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Please answer yes or no.
Please explain the felony.
Invalid Input


I certify that the information provided is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that false information may be grounds for not hiring me or for immediate termination of employment if I am hired.

Please provide your digital signature.
Please Enter Todays Date

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